5 Types of Headlines That Can Increase Your Landing Page Conversion


Hello, dear readers of our blog!

We have already mentioned the importance of having the “right” headline on a landing page more than once. Objectively speaking, the headline is almost the most important element of a landing page. We’ve repeatedly cited examples that clearly show the tremendous impact a headline has on landing page conversion.

But creating a good headline is more of an art than a science. And that means there’s probably no one-size-fits-all recipe for writing the perfect headline suitable for any landing page. Success in this business comes down to three ingredients – time, patience and practice.

However, based on the gigantic practical experience of American web marketers, we can assume that all successful, effective landing page headlines fall into 5 types or categories. Each type of headline corresponds directly to one proven web marketing technique.

type one: headlines that convincingly emphasize the benefit the user receives from your offer

The classic technique of traditional marketing works well in the age of the Global Web. To create a successful headline, a web marketer must have an excellent understanding of the dreams, desires and sentiments of their target audience – the only way to create an offer that potential customers won’t be able to refuse. Finding words that are powerful and compelling enough to make a total stranger believe you is no easy task.

The advice here is one: rewrite the headline time after time, then test it until your words start to literally resonate with your target audience’s subconscious (which is how the best advertising works).

type two: headlines that present the user with a unique, specific offer

Another technique from the arsenal of classic marketing. Such proposals you see on the Internet, even probably too often: “Unprecedented discount of 25%! Try it for free! A free 30-day trial of a unique program!” 😉

However, the frequency with which such headlines appear is evidence, above all, of their most important property – yes, they all actually work.

Try writing a unique landing page headline for your unique offer – it’s worth the gamble, you’re more likely to get noticed.

type three: headlines that ask a question

These types of headlines are thought to work best in targeted advertising campaigns run with conversion paths.

With good research on your target audience, you can ask a question that the visitor is sure to answer, and in a way that is sure to engage them in the “sales tunnel.”

Here’s a case in point – the question in the title of the Iomega service landing page (“Which network storage solutions are right for you – office or home?”) unmistakably engages the visitor in the conversion path.

type four: direct-expression headlines

Direct statements in the headline, unfortunately, are not often used these days. This is unfortunate, because the direct statement literally produces a refreshing effect on the visitor to the landing page: no forced cleverness, no forced jokes, no ridiculous wordplay.

Direct statements have every right to life on the global network and on landing pages in particular.

Type five: attention-grabbing headlines.

An attention-grabbing headline can belong to one (or more than one at once) of the types listed above – all of which can be provocative and shocking. Testing an “overly clever,” attention-grabbing, “explosive” headline can be dangerous to the reputation of your brand, website, web store, especially if you’ve never used provocative, “edgy” and scandalous marketing campaign techniques before.

So, we’ve come to the conclusion – to attract the attention of visitors and keep them on your page, you need a strong, exciting headline. Try – keeping in mind caution and the need to test every change – experimenting with one or more types of headlines.